Nomorhamphus Liemi

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Tank compatibility edit edit source a very good community fish but do not put 2 males in the same tank as they will fight. 20 25 deg c 68 77 deg f water parameters.

Erythrinus Erythrinus Red Wolf Fish Fish Cool Fish Fish Pet

Up to 12 degrees.

Nomorhamphus liemi. Nomorhamphus liemi liemi n. From ancient greek means with regular jaws. Nomorhamphus is a southeast asian genus of viviparous halfbeaks from streams rivers and lakes in sulawesi and the philippines they are all viviparous producing small clutches of around a dozen fry about 10 to 15 mm long at birth females are generally larger than the males.

Nomorhamphus liemi liemi synonyms. Někdy se ve starší literatuře lze setkat i s názvem polozobánka snijdersova nomorhamphus liemi snijdersi tento název je dnes již neplatný. Milieu climate zone depth range distribution range ecology.

This refers to the almost equally long upper and lower jaw which is the difference to all other halfbeaks. The celebes halfbeak possess an immovable lower jaw that curls around so that the tip faces towards the rear of the fish. Kmen chordate strunatci.

Nomorhamphus liemi celebes halfbeak should be kept in groups and with a gender ratio of about 3 females for every male. Původ ostrov celebes indonésie. Greek nema filament greek rhamphos bill peak ref.

Males are more colourful and possess an andropodium. Nomorhamphus liemi female picture by slaboch r. The dorsal fin is set far back on the body near the caudal fin.

Origin edit edit source asia in celebes indonesia. The upper jaw which can be moved up and. Otherwise relatively peaceful with other non predatory fish like platys guppies and corydoras.

řád teleostei kostnatí. Rozdíl v pohlaví sameček je menší má intenzivněji zbarvené ploutve a. Třída actinopterygii paprskoploutví.

9cm 3 5 temperature. Needle fishes zenarchopteridae needlefishes etymology. In the largest species such as nomorhamphus liemi the females typically reach about 10 cm 3 9 in in length whereas.

Ploutve mají černý okrajový lem někdy je uváděna jako samostatný druh jindy jako poddruh ale také jen jako varieta nomorhamphus liemi. Nomorhamphus liemi liemi nomorhamphus liemi snijdersi. čeleď hemirhamphidae polozobánkovití.

český název polozobánka celebeská. An elongated species with moderate lateral compression. Latinský název nomorhamphus liemi liemi.

The plants should be heavily planted with a lot of floating plants that offers hiding places for females and fry as well as weaker males.

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