Aetobatus Flagellum

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Adult females attain larger sizes than males. Pectoral fins weakly falcate and joining head at eye level separate from rostral lobe.

It was formerly placed in myliobatidae but is now placed in its own family based on salient differences from myliobatids especially the pectoral fins joining the head at the level of the eyes.

Aetobatus flagellum. Posterior margins moderately concave rear tips free and broadly rounded. Very little is known of its reproductive biology however it is thought to. And v shaped teeth in the lower jaw.

The longhead eagle ray is an uncommon species of which little is known. Aetobatus flagellum bloch schneider 1801 common names cá ó không châm in vietnamese eagle ray in english kodokuto in sindhi langhovedet andenæserokke in danish langkopadelaarsrog in dutch longheaded eagle ray in english longheaded eagle ray in english pari burung in indonesian. This eagle ray has a comparatively long beak like snout and a whip like tail three times as long as its body.

This species is characterized by the following. Long rostral lobe longest in adult males and narrowly pointed. Aetobatus flagellum bloch schneider 1801.

Disc very broad and short its length 55 70 wd. Raja flagellum bloch and schneider 1801. 564390 download help aetobatus flagellum tsn 564390 taxonomy and nomenclature kingdom.

There are currently 5 recognized extant species in this genus. Complete singular set of upper and lower teeth. Aetobatus is a genus of eagle rays native to the atlantic pacific and indian oceans.

The longheaded eagle ray aetobatus flagellum is a species of eagle ray in the family myliobatidae the longheaded eagle ray like other members of the genus aetobatus is characteristically different from other genera of eagle rays distinguished by their notched nasal curtain. Aetobatus flagellum bloch and schneider 1801 taxonomic serial no. Dorsal without spots or rings.

Spiracles large dorsolateral and visible.

Longheaded Eagle Ray Aetobatus Flagellum Google Search

Longheaded Eagle Ray Aetobatus Flagellum Google Search Eagle

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