Aetobatus Poeyi

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Aetobatus poeyi as long as several unidentified tail spines and dental plates of two probably new middle miocene taxa still under study. Posted in r naturewasmetal by u kaam00s 18 points and 3 comments.

Aetobatus Poeyi In 2020 Mit Bildern

Aetobatus poeyi is an extinct species of aetobatid eagle ray from cuba.

Aetobatus poeyi. Miocene a restored sketch sheet of aetobatus poeyi scientific classification kingdom. Marine mania extinct animals and imago s aetobatus poeyi bugs. The elasmobranchii species found in cuba are cosmopolitan but interestingly c.

Sus restos han sido hallados en cuba. Aetobatus poeyi aetobatus poeyi may refer to the following downloads. A e t o b a t u s p o e y i v a r i a n t s general information.

Terrena laxamentum expansions required. Its wingspan has been estimated at 10 meters making it even bigger than today s manta ray which rarely grows larger than 7 meters. The batoid aetobatus poeyi was described by fernández de castro in 1873 from a locality in the lands of ingenio sugar mill constancia today moncada northwest of the city of cienfuegos cuba.

Megalodon and some other lower middle miocene species have been reported only from havana and matanzas provinces western cuba. Fandom apps take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Aetobatus poeyi temporal range.

Aetobatus poeyi was a giant ray related to today s eagle rays but much bigger. It was formerly placed in myliobatidae but is now placed in its own family based on salient differences from myliobatids especially the pectoral fins joining the head at the level of the eyes. Aetobatus is a genus of eagle rays native to the atlantic pacific and indian oceans.

There are currently 5 recognized extant species in this genus. Aetobatus poeyi vivió durante el mioceno. Aetobatus ocellatus kuhl 1823 a fenti élő fajok mellett az alábbi 6 fosszilis faj is idetartozik meglehet hogy a lista hiányos.

The eocene age for this species assigned by fernández de castro. Aetobatus poeyi is an extinct species of eagle ray that lived during the miocene and could have a wing span of 10 meters. Aetobatus arcuatus agassiz 1843 aetobatus cappettai antunes balbino 2006 aetobatus irregularis agassiz 1843 aetobatus punctatus miller 1876 aetobatus poeyi fernández de castro 1873.

Poeyi binomial name.

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