Aquarium Fisch Barbe

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Some of them are aggressive others are more peaceful but for the most part they are suitable to be kept in a mixed species aquarium. The gold barb puntius semifasciolatus are perhaps the most underrated barb of all i don t know how many times i ve been asked what s that pretty yellow fish only to surprise the inquirer by telling them it is the plain.

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Aquarium fisch barbe. Because they are large and schooling fish they are only suitable for larger aquariums. Barb s are small colorful active fish ideally suited for the community aquarium. Currently most species are bred commercially both overseas and in the u s making these fish ideal candidates for both the beginner and expert aquarist.

Tiger barbs are very active and they are best kept. One of the most popular species of barb and also one of the most popular species of freshwater aquarium fish is the tiger barb. A larger barb this species should only be kept with fish of similar size.

Even if the specimens in the shop are small keep in mind that they will grow much larger. This barbs tropical fish profiles section covers everything you need to know about keeping barb tropical aquarium fish. Beware tiger barbs don t get along with every species so knowing which fish species make the best tiger barb tank mates is crucial to ensure a safe and happy environment for your fish.

Tiger barbs are lively fish who don t shy away from mischief which means that certain combinations aren t advisable. Cherry barbs capoeta titteya have everything going for them small with a beautiful cherry red coloration they are peaceful long lived and school well. These fish grow to about 2 inches long and they exhibit silver bodies with red coloration on the fins and bold black stripes running vertically down their bodies.

Barbs are fish abundant in variety they come in a variety of sizes colors and interesting features. Aquarium fish depot houses a huge collection of barb fish including rare sickle fin barbs and a variety of tiger barbs. Barb fish buy live online barb fish now available at petwave the majority of which are sourced from superior australian facilities.

20 different types of barb fish. These hardy fish are predominately found in southeast asia but some species may be found in africa and india. Click on a picture below to shop and learn more about that fish.

Premium aquarium fish for sale online. Barbs are high energy fish that swim in schools and often quarrel with each other and sometimes nip the fins of slow moving fish with long fins like bettas and angelfish. These are often kept in community or planted fish tanks although the slightly more aggressive nature of the barb fish group is often seen as a reason to keep these away from tanks with smaller community fish such as tetras.

Our barb fish are packed carefully and delivered direct to you with a 100 live fish guarantee.

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