Barbe Fisch Klein

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Barbe fische aquarium zubehör gebraucht kaufen jetzt finden oder inserieren. Knops 1819 1889 son of henri and catherine cherry.

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Klein 1905 1986 daughter of johann peter and margaretha molitor.

Barbe fisch klein. Wiltgen 1814 1867 son of nicolas and anne catherine gloesener married to barbe klein in 1845. Winscp is a free sftp scp amazon s3 webdav and ftp client for windows. Knops 1881 son of henri pierre and marguerite salentiny.

Schiltz 1874 1941 son of franz and anna wolter. Klein ca 1786 married to barbe stoffel. Schiltz ca 1824 1856 married to catharina niclou.

Klein 1909 1990 daughter of cornelius and anna kunnert. Klein 1893 daughter of theodor and anna katharina gralinger married to karl krier in 1923. Schaltz 1815 1869 daughter of mathias and anne catherine klein married to pierre joseph fabry in 1838 jean goebel in 1854.

Ebay kleinanzeigen kostenlos. This calendar was established by the national convention on november 24th 1793. Schaltz 1887 daughter of michel and barbe bastendorf married to josé fischbach.

Fisch ca 1763 1852 son of nicolas and marguerite altenhoven. Wiltgen 1854 1927 son of nicolas and barbe klein married to marie schuster in 1882. Klein 1889 daughter of nicolas married to jacob pletgen in 1919.

Klein 1904 1968 daughter of peter and cathérine weis. Schieres ca 1796 1855 married to marie klein. Schanen 1763 daughter of jacques and anne hansen married to jean nicolas nagel.

Schintgen 1834 son of nicolas and marie nockels married to magdalena scharll in 1869. Wiltgen 1837 1906 son of jean pierre and catherine fautsch married to anne marie weiler in 1863. Republican calendar used in france after the french revolution.

Schaltz 1851 daughter of pierre and susanne grasser. Schieres 1825 1912 son of nicolas and marie klein married to anna heintz in 1855. Fisch ca 1800 married to madeleine new.

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