Corydoras Natural Habitat

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Beyond that the tank conditions are somewhat different based on whether or not the fish were captured from the wild. Corydoras in their natural habitat in french guiana with guyane wild fish association duration.

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The water is clear slow moving and relatively shallow.

Corydoras natural habitat. Natural habitat south america namely brazil in the upper araguaia river basin. Corydoras are freshwater fish that come from several sources in south america. Corydoras brochis and aspidoras species inhabit smaller streams and rivers backwaters oxbows ponds and marshy environments.

Paleatus has a high climate match in the continental united states. Corydoras cochui myers weitzman 1954 common name pygmy catfish c022 barred tail corydoras cochu s catfish. Corydoras paleatus is a small catfish native to southern brazil uruguay and northern argentina.

Corydoras catfish natural habitat. Corydoras pygmaeus is commonly known as pygmy corydoras pygmy cory and pygmy catfish. This is because at one point hastatus was the only known miniature corydoras species.

Natural habitat of hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi duration. The tank should be set up with a filtration device the. Corys shoal in murky waters with an abundance of leaf litter and mulm.

Also documented as being found in the rio araguaia santa maria nova and state of goyaz goiaz. Based on climate match information it is plausible that if introduced c. Both wild and captive bred corys prefer a tank with plenty of leaf litter and drift wood.

To replicate the natural habitat place a few fist sized stones in the tank and then add a half inch deep substrate composed of one part pea gravel and three parts fine sand. The bottom is typically made up of sand or detritus and the shoreline often has dense plant growth offering them cover. Natural habitat for corydoras.

Corydoras in their natural habitat in french guiana with guyane wild fish association. Corydoras are indigenous to lakes and streams in south america with the largest population in the amazon basin. Their natural habitat is in clear slow moving streams and shallow rivers usually where there is vegetation at the banks.

Corydoras come from south america between argentine and columbia with the vast majority originating from the amazon basin. They are adapted to shallow rivers with vegetative banks. Natural habitat identification and where to buy.

Natural habitat of pygmy cory. Although they can be found in gravely areas they prefer a softer substrate and. Females are larger up to 50mm and more robust than males as with most corydoras sp.

Corydoras pygmaeus is often mistaken for corydoras hastatus. The scientific name uses the latin word pygmaeus which implies dwarf or pygmy. Guyanewildfish guyanewildfish 35 584 views.

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