Corydoras Nijsseni

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Greek kory helmet greek doras skin ref. More on corydoras ln5 nijsseni.

Corydoras Image By Katie Buscher Fish Tropical Fish Fish Pet

Corydoras nijsseni female the main crieria that seperates c nissseni from the other species is the body shape very much c elegans like.

Corydoras nijsseni. Get or print a qr code for this species profile or try our lfs label creator. Corydoras nijsseni picture by jjphoto classification names common names synonyms catalog of fishes gen. Rio negro basin brazil.

If you looked and discounted the colour pattern you would think that you were looking at c. 2001 apr 30 00 00. Use a substrate of river sand and add a few driftwood branches if you can t find driftwood of the desired shape common beech is safe to use if thoroughly dried and stripped of bark and twisted roots.

Supplement with live or frozen bloodworms or white or grindal worms. Nijsseni will thrive in a tank set up to replicate an amazon biotope this would be very simple to arrange. Itis col worms cloffa actinopterygii ray finned fishes siluriformes catfish callichthyidae callichthyid armored catfishes corydoradinae etymology.

A few handfuls of dried leaves again beech can be used or oak. If you would like to contribute to the monthly factsheets with an article information or photos please e mail me. Sinking pellets or flakes.

Best in groups of six or more. 20 gallons 75 liters or larger. 2019 oct 16 12 18 species record created.

Elegans or one of the same body shape i e. If you would like to donate any denomination of monies to the site just click the above link button. Look up corydoras ln5 nijsseni on fishbase.

You will of course be credited for your work. Up to 2 inches 5 0 cm habitat.

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