Fisch Hering

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Atlantic herrings can be found on both sides of the atlantic ocean congregating in large schools they can grow up to 45 centimetres 18 in in length and weigh up to 1 1 kilograms 2 4 lb. The atlantic herring clupea harengus is the herring fish belonging to the family clupeidae associated with atlantic ocean ranging from gulf of maine the bay of fundy the gulf of st lawrence the labrador sea the beaufort sea the davis straits the norwegian sea the denmark straits the english channel the north sea the irish sea the celtic sea sea of the hebrides and the bay of biscay.

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Herring are of massive importance to marine ecosystems as they provide an abundant food source to a huge number of species.

Fisch hering. Surströmming has been part of northern swedish cuisine since at least the 16th century. The oldest archeological findings of fish fermentation are 9 200 years old and from the south of today s sweden. Herring species of slab sided northern fish belonging to the family clupeidae order clupeiformes.

Sea birds such as gannets and gulls feed on herring as do dolphins porpoises whales seals and practically all predatory fish in british waters ranging from cod bass and mackerel to sharks and salmon. Herring are forage fish mostly belonging to the family clupeidae. The name herring refers to either the atlantic herring clupea harengus harengus or the pacific herring c.

Fermented fish is an old staple in european cuisines. More recent examples include garum a fermented fish sauce made by the ancient greeks and romans and worcestershire sauce which also has. Although once considered separate species they are now believed to be only subspecifically distinct herrings are small headed streamlined beautifully coloured fish.

Atlantic herring clupea harengus is a herring in the family clupeidae it is one of the most abundant fish species in the world. Herring often move in large schools around fishing banks and near the coast found particularly in shallow temperate waters of the north pacific and north atlantic oceans including the baltic sea as well as off the west coast of south america three species of clupea are recognised and provide about 90 of all herrings.

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