Nano Corydoras

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Bronze corydoras life expectancy is up to 10 years. The three miniature corydoras species are the checker cory c.

Corydoras Bilineatus Pair

These catfish are great additions to nano aquariums do to their small size and schooling behavior like other corydoras catfish.

Nano corydoras. While nano tanks and nano fishes have become very popular these nano corydoras should be provided with a decent sized tank and some room to move around and do what comes naturally. Just kinda getting a feel for what s available. Corydoras corydoras sodalis 45 00.

It eats all types of food and behaves very actively in a tank. They are silver in color with one black line through the center of the bo. Lf michigan nano corydoras otocinclus or other shrimp friendly ish fish.

Or open to suggestions. The species is not large the average size is about 5 cm so you can keep these catfish even in nano aquariums. Endler s livebearers males only.

The pygmy corydoras is a great nano catfish endemic to the rio basin in brazil. It is not a shy fish that retires among the plants but is nearly always at the front of the aquarium and on show. The can not reproduce successfully without brackish water and therefore will not overpopulate the aquarium.

The homeland of the bronze corydoras is south america. They have a common catfish appearance. However they easily get stressed and distracted from shoaling when housed together with harassing tankmates.

The fish lives mainly in the rio tui river basin and lake valencia which are located in the northern states of. Free shipping for postal orders over 150 except for some bulky goods free tuesday night sydney local delivery for orders over 100. Below are some of my ideal species.

They are plant safe and a great addition to any freshwater aquarium without snail predators. Flagtail corydoras corydoras robbinae this is an active eye catching fish constantly on the move and with striking black and white markings on the tail. A colorful and popular species of corydoras the venezuelan cory originates from a few coastal rivers in venezuela but is now bred on a large scale for the aquarium trade so wild specimens are almost never seen small active and with attractive orange and green coloration venezuelan corys are ideal for nearly any small to medium peaceful community aquarium.

With a full size of 0 75 inches or 1 9 cm per specimen these fish can comfortable school in a tiny 5 gallon tank. Habrosus the dwarf cory c. The zebra nerite snail is an ornately patterned species of snail known for their voracious appetites for nuisance algae in the aquarium.

This is a peaceful not demanding schooling fish. Nano tanks australia aquarium shop. Panda cory corydoras panda is one of the most glamorous catfish among corydoras species.

Hastatus and the pygmy cory c. The dwarf rasbora is the smallest schooling nano fish for home aquariums.

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